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African children walking to school

JOLE RIDER Friends : Inquiry
A charity improving access to education for children in Africa

In September 2017 the Charity Commission opened an Inquiry into this charity.
This website charts the story of the Inquiry and the way it has been handled by
the Charity Commission, headed by the Inquiry's lead investigator. 

From April 2018, the JOLE RIDER Trustees communicated directly and ONLY 

with the Charity Commission CEO - Helen Stephenson.
The Trustees informed Helen Stephenson of serious inadequacies in the Commission's processes

and the woefull conduct of the lead investigator. 

The CEO never responded.

Following yet another deliberate distortion of fact by the Commission,
the Trustees reluctantly submitted complaints via the Commission's Complaints channel.

They had previously chosen not to take this route, since they considered the complaints so serious,

they necessitated being addressed by a body outside the Commission.

To date, 28 separate categories of complaint have been submitted.

17 were submitted in December 2018 with a further 10 submitted early in the New Year. 

The latest and last to be submitted was delivered direct to the Commission's Board.
The Board's initial response is expected before the end of May 2020.

Each category of complaint includes evidenced individual complaints. 

What happened after this may truly astound you!




For further information on this Charity Case Study, together with copy documents




This website exists to provide transparency in how the Charity Commission operates

- and not just in respect of this Charity.

This website is a whistle-blowing window for the benefit of the charity sector and the general public. 


What we have and can show you might be very difficult to believe.

After all, who would believe a government quango could behave so badly as this one does?

What we ask, is that you open your mind to that possibility.

Believe in that possibility - and we will show you!

The Charity Commission have made various attempts to prevent disclosure of the truth.
They included, taking action to have this site taken down, permanently.

Since then we have been successful in re-publishing this site,

done so for the benefit of all readers and interested parties.

The site content is now being expanded

taking account of more recent developments

including the opening of an Inquiry into the

Charity Commission for England and Wales

We do not wish to see trustees, charities or beneficiaries suffer in the same way

PLEASE READ and SIGN our PETITION for a review of the Charity Commission's inept practices

Petition for review of the Charity Commisssion
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